Can Body Shape Determine Your Penis Size?
For many women, men with larger penises are more attractive. However, researchers also found that the returns on bigger penises start to soften at a flaccid length that is 2.99 inches. When the subject is about the size, people normally dictate men’s penis size based on their feet. Thus, you’ve probably heard of the saying that if you have big feet, you have a big penis too. But can the shape of your body really determine whether your penis is big or small?
To enlighten us on this matter, there are studies that link penis size to men’s height. There are pieces of evidence that conclude that taller men tend to have a bigger penis after studying 3,300 Italian men. At the same time, results showed that men who are shorter than 5’8 usually have smaller manhood. However, there are also findings wherein the size of the penis depends on the proportion of your entire body.
What About Shorter Men?
Despite the results that some studies show, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all short men have a small penis. Studies only reveal a correlation between the heights of men to the size of their penis. Its results don’t guarantee that all men all around the world have the same condition. Nevertheless, there are always other ways to improve the size of your penis if you are unsatisfied with it.
With the latest technology, you can enjoy the size you can be proud of and overcome your genetics. You can also follow some tips that we compiled to help you achieve your goals without going through surgeries.
Watch Your Diet
Once you are past your teenage years, we can’t do anything anymore about your height. However, no one said that you can’t watch and manage your weight to make sure your fats are distributed well. In case you didn’t know yet, too much fat in your body can also make your penis look smaller.
If you want your penis to look glorious, make sure that your stomach doesn’t grow too much to cover it. Maintain a good body shape so you don’t have to worry about dealing with extra fats later. Besides, fat cells can prevent your blood from filling the corpora cavernosa with its full capacity.
Groom Your Hair!
This is probably the easiest and most cost-effective way to make your penis look bigger. All you need is a pair of scissors and you can immediately add a few centimeters to your penis. Of course, we’re talking about the appearance only of your penis. The shorter your hair is down there, the longer your penis will look even though it is less than 7 inches.
Perform Penis Exercises
Penis exercises may vary depending on what you want to achieve and what you are comfortable with. However, the two major types of penis exercises are kegel and jelqing. Kegel exercises are designed to make your pelvic muscles stronger. At the same time, it can increase the power of your erection to match your increased stamina.
If you aim to improve the overall size of your penis, jelqing is the most basic way to do it. You don’t need to use any device to perform this exercise since you only need your two hands. This type of exercise can stimulate the cells and increase the blood circulation in your penis.
Male Enhancement Devices
If your body shape does dictate the size of your penis, another popular way to address that is by using extenders. Depending on the specific brand you pick, the price of penis extenders may vary. Even though some cheaper penis extenders are made of lower quality, quality extenders don’t have to be expensive either. There are penis extenders that are available at affordable prices but worth it to buy for long-term use.
All penis extenders are designed as traction devices to help increase the size of your penis. As you wear the device, it slowly applies traction to the corpora cavernosa of your penis. This process causes microscopic tears to the skin where cells break away from the walls and regenerate. As these small tears heal, new cells collect in your penis that can also hold more blood.
This process promotes a harder and longer time of erection to reduce premature ejaculation. Most importantly, penis extenders are made to cure penile curvatures and increase the size of men’s penis. However, users need to wear the device for at least 4 hours up to 8 hours a day. This requires consistent use for at least 6 months straight to achieve results.
Final Words
Clearly, not all men who have big feet have a big penis. Not all men who are tall also have a big penis which goes the same for short men. Thus, we included some of the most common methods that are used by men to increase their penis. Since body shape can’t guarantee your penis size, any of these tips might work for you. Health TipsFor many women, men with larger penises are more attractive. However, researchers also found that the returns on bigger penises start to soften at a flaccid length that is 2.99 inches. When the subject is about the size, people normally dictate men’s penis size based on their feet. Thus,...Bruce JBruce Jzentrader99@gmail.comAdministratorReviews and Analysis - Men's Blog