There is a reason people always search the internet for penis enhancement products like penis pumps and penis extenders. For many men who conduct this search, they are either looking to increase the size of their penis or have issues with erectile dysfunction that needs to be fixed.

Before now, the only option for such people seemed to be going under the knife. But not anymore; there are options for you to achieve your desire safely using penis extenders or penis pumps or combining both.

And that is where the confusion lies. People are confused on whether to go for penis pumps or extenders. Not to worry, this article will help you in making up your mind on which one to go for.

About penis extenders

In the real sense, penis extenders are for men who are interested in growing the length of their penis. They also serve to treat Peyronie?s disease (curved penis). Extenders stretch the penis by employing what is known as traction so that with time, you can see permanent growth in the length of your penis. This traction employed by penis extenders serves to stretch your penile tissues through sustained pressure. The result is a longer penis.

Traction is not new to the medical field because orthopedic doctors have been making use of it to help bring malformed or broken bones to properly align, heal or to simply elongate the bones. The traction in penis extenders prompts your penis tissues to break down and repair itself thereby forcing the cell to expand and multiply in the process. You might experience some discomfort just like you do when you start working out on your body muscles initially, but with time and consistency, you will overcome this discomfort and start seeing results.

Some popular penis extenders are SizeGenetics extender, Phallosan Forte (which I use), Male Edge extender, x4 Labs extender, Jes extender, Quick extender pro, etc.

About penis pumps

A penis pump is for those looking to get the effect of Viagra and penis extenders on the penis but on a temporary basis. It is for those who are in need of immediate penis enlargement, especially for sexual activity.

A penis pump is a cylinder or a hollow canister vacuum constriction device that slide over the penis. There are air pumps and water pumps such as Bathmate that is meant to engorge the penis with blood after some pressure are applied to the penis. It can increase the size of the penis for up to 20 to 40 percent of its original state but on a temporary basis.

Pros and cons of penis extenders

  1. Penis extenders can be used to get permanent growth of the penis but require regular use of up to 4 to 6 hours of use each day.
  2. Penis extenders when used properly are safe for growing the penis but can take up to 3 months to 6 months before the results can be seen.
  3. Penis extenders can give you a permanent growth of up to 1 to 3 inches in penis length and up to 1.5 inches in girth, but those with rods cannot be worn to bed as it can get caught up in the sheets and lead to injury on the wearer.
  4. Penis extenders are effective but cost between $200 to $400.

Pros and Cons of Penis Pumps

Penis pumps provide the same result that drugs like Cialis, Viagra and the rest provide without the side effects associated with the drugs, but these results are usually temporary.

Penis pumps can be used to enlarge the penis for sexual activity but take away the spontaneity in having sex.

You will need to use the penis pump whenever you want to increase the size of your penis and those with vascular disease, sickle cell anemia or are diabetic cannot make use of penis pumps.


Penis extenders are for those that are patient enough to grow their penis size for a permanent result while penis pumps are for those looking to get an immediate temporary result. In most cases, many people combine the two so as to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Now that you know how the two works, which one will you be willing to go for?

KnightPenis extenderThere is a reason people always search the internet for penis enhancement products like penis pumps and penis extenders. For many men who conduct this search, they are either looking to increase the size of their penis or have issues with erectile dysfunction that needs to be fixed. Before now,...Buffalo Report